Cathrin Rose, born in 1969 in Bottrop, studied English, American and Comparative Literature at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum and worked as an assistant teacher in Glasgow for one year. She began her theater work as a dramaturg at the Schauspielhaus Bochum under the artistic direction of Leander Haußmann in 1995. From 2002 to 2017 she was dramaturg at the Ruhrtriennale Festival of the Arts, where she established and directed the mediation department. During Heiner Goebbels' directorship from 2012 to 2014, she was project manager of the No Education programme, which was nominated for the Cultural Education Award of the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM) in 2014. In the directorship of Johan Simons from 2015 to 2017, she developed the programme series "Young Collaborations", from which the project Teentalitarismus emerged, which in turn was nominated for the BKM-Preis for Cultural Education. For many years she has also been working on a voluntary basis for the youth project Theater Total in Bochum. Since the 2018/2019 season, she is a dramaturg at Schauspielhaus Bochum and director of the Junges Schauspielhaus Bochum.
Current roles:
- Dramaturgy in Das NEINhorn
- Dramaturgy in Der kleine Prinz
- Dramaturgy in Der Struwwelpeter
- Outside Eye in SPLASH – un/coming of age
Past roles:
- Dramaturgy in Die wundersame Reise von Edward Tulane
- Dramaturgy in TON
- Dramaturgy in Wie Rosie den Käsekopter erfand
- Dramaturgy in Die Schöne und das Biest
- Dramaturgy in Der unsichtbare Mann
- Dramaturgy in Weg vom Fenster
- Dramaturgy in Die unendliche Geschichte
- Dramaturgy in Verbundensein
- Dramaturgy in The last Minutes before Mars
- dramaturgy in Die unglaubliche Geschichte vom kleinen Roboterjungen
- Dramaturgy in Plattform / Unterwerfung
- Dramaturgy in 2069 – Das Ende der Anderen
- Dramaturgy in Der Hamiltonkomplex
- Dramaturgy in Alle Jahre wieder
- Dramaturgy in Plattform