
What would a world look like in which the "others" no longer exist? How would a world work in which we could be who we want to be? How would we treat each other? 2069 is the year in which the rules of our society will change. For the first time there will be more people of colour than white people in this country. Conventional ideas of "German" appearance are then invalid. We are already playing this future in the Kammerspiele.

For the first time, you are directing for young people – is it different?

Julia Wissert: In any case, I notice that the question "Are they interested in that at all?" becomes much more interesting. Everything else is the same. The doubts, the uncertainties, the problems. I think my audience will be more direct with criticism.

Would you rather be born after 2069?

Julia Wissert: I would find the idea of living in a time when I might have seen other role models of black people or even had role models at all quite interesting. Or the prospect of a time when being black and German is a reality for all people. But I will still be happy when I‘m almost 100 years old in 2069. Then as an old woman I can say: "If you knew what it was like..." Somebody‘s got to do that.

Would you like to travel back in time to your youth?

Julia Wissert: I would go to school and say: "Hey, don‘t worry, this isn‘t reality. Everyone here who teaches you something, who wants you to be like everybody else. Instead it‘s great not to be like everyone else. Trust yourself, and it‘s gonna be awesome. Everything you experience will make you the person you want to be." Then my old me could go to math class and be glad it doesn‘t understand anything.

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Information about the piece

  • Duration: 50min, no break
  • Premiere: 03.05.2019
  • Language: German with English surtitles



Press reviews

Press voices

Choreographie und Schauspiel, Science-Fiction-Versatzstücke und Gegenwartsbestandsaufnahmen vermischen sich in dieser Collage von Ideen und Emotionen so lange, bis etwas Neues, Utopisches entsteht.
nachtkritik.de, Sascha Westphal

Diese Arbeit ist ungewöhnlich. Wer sich darauf einlässt, wird erfahren, was Theater sein kann und auch sein muss. Ein Ort der politischen Auseinandersetzung mit künstlerischen Mitteln, ein Ort für Utopien und ein Ort für Unfertiges und Prozesse, wo das Geschichtenerzählen immer wieder neu erfunden wird.
WAZ, Stefanie Stüber

Die bittere Zukunftsutopie bietet Raum für zwei starke Schauspielerinnen.
WAZ, Stefanie Stüber