Everyone knows Popeye the Sailor Man (the guy with the spinach). But who is Olive Oil? This play by Israeli playwright Sivan Ben Yishai tells the story of the famous comic book hero and his rather less famous girlfriend. However, in this virtuoso relationship drama, Olive goes from being a supporting character to become the lead and we experience all the couple’s most intimate moments from her perspective. While she has a successful career as a novelist, he does casual work in a cafeteria – though he really wants to be a film director … On the outside, the emancipated Olive fights against the patriarchy and the classic division of roles but at home with her tattooed superhero she throws all her feminism overboard. Gradually, however, Olive exposes their relationship and and breaks away.

LOVE/ An Argumentative Exercise is a radical and explicit play. With no taboos and a lot of humour it creates a space to think for mean and for women that only appears to tell a personal and intimate story.

Subtitled “an emergency room for five voices and a loud collective intelligence” the play will be directed by Zita Gustav Wende as a monologue performed by ensemble member Jele Brückner.

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  • Duration: 1:15h
  • Premiere: 02.05.2021
  • Language: deutsch
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