I. A narrow word that is constantly being persecuted, desired, loaded, constructed, determined. And always on the run. Who is I?
Peer Gynt, one of the best-known (dream) travellers in European literature, is an immortal ageing child, the stuff of legends. Henrik Ibsen sends him through times and worlds in order to find himself, his core. The escape that Peer makes from his village in Norway, fleeing from social insignificance to become somebody at last, ideally an Emperor, leads him to trolls and invalids, apes and slaves, through the desert and across the sea. He casts off one life after another like the skins of a snake and after every failure he rises up again somewhere new. He is a restless wanderer through the world, an (almost) immortal egomaniac, committed only to his unbreakable belief: it’s all about me, my entire life. His journey – a giant fairground, desperately hopping from one experience to the next, a collection of hybrid prototype selves and gestures of worn-out humanity revolving around a black hole: who is Peer?
Peer Gynt contains the – male-influenced – principle of a liberal market world, one that gropes into every corner, assesses everything for its additional value and uses it to its own advantage before discarding it. Yet at the same time Ibsen’s phantasmagoria shows us someone who is socially declassé, who conforms to the laws of his world and makes a detour around the other one with wasteful lies and disposable gestures in order to reach the realisation that “paradise is barred and the cherub is behind us; we must travel around the world and see if it might still be open somewhere from behind.” (Heinrich von Kleist)
In Peer Gynt, the Czech director Dušan David Pařízek, who recently directed Iphigenia by Euripides and Jelinek at Schauspielhaus Bochum, will compose a study of sociopathic male power structures on which a flawed system is based: the world in which we live.
The program booklet for Peer Gynt (DIN A4, 8 pages) is available in our BO-Shop!
Audio content
Information about the piece
- Peer Gynt
- by Henrik Ibsen
- from the Norwegian by Christian Morgenstern
using an interview with the Ghanaian author Ama Ata Aidoo and a swan song to the western drama canon by Anne Rietmeijer - Director, Stage design: Dušan David Pařízek
- With: Konstantin Bühler, William Cooper, Anna Drexler, Michael Lippold, Mercy Dorcas Otieno, Anne Rietmeijer, Lukas von der Lühe
- Duration: 2:00h, no break
- Premiere: 01.01.1970
- Language: German with English surtitles
Video content
(c) Siegersbusch Film
- Director, Stage design: Dušan David Pařízek
- Director, Stage design: Dušan David Pařízek
- Translation: Christian Morgenstern
- Costume design: Kamila Polívková
- Coworking costume design: Mara Zechendorff
- Music: Peter Fasching
- Light design: Bernd Kühne
- Dramturgy: Angela Obst
- Peer Gynt: Anna Drexler
- Aase / Herr von Eberkopf: Michael Lippold
- Solveig: Anne Rietmeijer
- Matz Moen, der Bräutigam / Hoftroll / Junge / Master Cotton / Kapitän: Lukas von der Lühe
- Die Grüngekleidete / Monsieur Ballon / Koch: William Cooper
- Der Dovre-Alte / Anitra: Mercy Dorcas Otieno
- Trolljungfer / Begriffenfeldt / der fremde Passagier / Knopfgießer: Konstantin Bühler

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Press reviews
Dušan David Pařízek inszeniert Ibsens "Peer Gynt" - und rückt das Stück Weltliteratur subtil, aber entschieden in unsere Gegenwart.
Der Standard, Margarete Affenzeller
Dieser „Peer Gynt“ ist ein inspirierender Theaterabend, weil er einen Klassikertext für die szenische Auseinandersetzung mit brennenden Fragen nutzt, dabei ein wahres Schauspiel bietet.
Die deutsche Bühne, Detlev Baur
Anna Drexler in der Titelrolle ist eine Klasse für sich.
Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Jürgen Boebers-Süßmann