
Of thawed primeval dogs and the vulnerability of the earth.

‘Don't you want to ... sleep?’ ‘No. I don't close my eyes any more. I'd rather stick toothpicks between my eyelids. I didn't look for a second and the lake decided to leave.’

The vulnerability of the earth and our bodies is more tangible than ever. The glaciers are melting, the sun is shining brightly. And yet we still want to survive. Grelle Tage shows snapshots of landscapes that have disappeared, lakes that are drying up and bodies that are reappearing. Like a 13,000-year-old dog that emerges from the ice and meets Jo. Together they decide to close the gaping holes in the earth. With whatever they can find at the nearest DIY store. On their journey, they encounter forgotten places in Brandenburg, mammoth hunters and dubious archaeologists.

Director Caroline Kapp deals with the contamination of bodies and landscapes as well as the blank space of feminist historiography. Grelle Tage is her first work at Schauspielhaus Bochum.

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Information about the piece

  • Place: Kammerspiele
  • Duration: 1:20, no break
  • Premiere: 21.09.2024
  • Language: DE EN

Information about the performances

Note: Rapid light changes and loud music are used.


19:30 — 20:50
19:30 — 20:50
+ Introduction 19:00

Video content

Video: Siegersbusch Film


  • Director: Caroline Kapp
  • Stage design: Teresa Häußler
  • Costume design: Carla Loose
  • Light design: Johannes Zotz
  • Video: Bárbara Acevedo Strange
  • Sound design: Florian Wulff
  • Choreographical Associate: Jana Baldovino
  • Dramaturgy: Leonie Adam
  • Assistant director: Albrecht Schroeder
  • Assistant stage design: Carolin Vogl
  • Assistant costume design: Anna Holtkamp, Sophia Deimel
  • Trainee costume design: Lina Gausmann, Amelie Narz, Mia Knapp
  • Trainee Dramaturg: Jan Bednorz
  • Stage manager: Jonas Kissel
  • Prompter: Jutta Schneider
  • Supertitle Manager: Jan Bednorz


BO-Book: The digital programme

Press reviews

Press voices

Caroline Kapp inszeniert die deutsche Erstaufführung am Schauspielhaus Bochum mit starken Bildern und bewahrt die fragmentarische Erzählstruktur. […] Großer Beifall für ein Stück, das den Zerfall in poetische Bilder fasst und offen endet. Ratlos eben wie ein Kind in einer schlimmen Welt.
Westfälischer Anzeiger, Ralf Stiftel